Ethical dilemmas in genome testing

Genomics and the development of personalised medicine can be of great importance to many patients and to society in general, as it will be possible to target the treatment to a greater extent to the individual patient. This frees the healtcare system from using unnecessary resources for treatment that does not work. The price for this is that you and others make your genome data available for research.

FarGen 2 does not provide feedback on genomic data, nor does it process genome information for the individual participant, but instead investigates whether it is possible to find patterns that indicate a link between genes and disease.

Nevertheless, it is a technology that provides sensitive personal information, and therefore the ethical aspect is always relevant. The question then is whether we as individuals, researchers, doctors and society are ready handle and act on the information that genome studies can provide.

Participants in genetic research sometimes state that they would like to receive feedback on their genetic data, but such information may arise ethical dilemmas, which can be difficult to handle. Below you can read more about some of the dilemmas that genomics can entail (click on each link for further information):